How to create a mobile app prototype and get proper feedback

Create a mobile app prototype

So why and how do you create a mobile app prototype? Put simply, people want to SEE what you’re talking about. We’re hardwired to want to see visual inputs on things, and creating a prototype is the best way to show people your vision.   Who are app prototypes for? Well a lot of people […]

What’s wrong with Digital transformation agencies in London?

Digital transformation agencies in London

Digital transformation agencies in London have had a big shock during 2020-2022. A lot of SMEs and Corporates went into COVID-19 lockdown with debts and little runway, resulting in big issues.   So why is this relevant to digital transformation agencies? Our backgrounds are deeply in business, not digital, so when we think about technology, […]

What Are the Benefits of Digital Transformation?

To give a proper reply to the question of what are the benefits of digital transformation for a business, I will start with two terms used broadly by digital transformation agencies. Those two terms are fear and greed – if you don’t do it, you will lose money from the competition or the market, but if […]

Why You Don’t Need a CTO as a Cofounder?

I was having a debate with a VC recently about why you don’t need a CTO as an early-stage startup. This VC focuses on putting together two (very) promising founders, with the aim of coming up with an idea and building a business. Usually, they aim to have a commercial founder and a technical founder. […]

Why There Is No Such Thing As A Cheap Developer – A Case Study

When people ask me what I do, I say that we build technology as Tech Partners to Corporates and Startups. I’m increasingly saying we build businesses, not just tech – because that’s really the focus: making a successful business. But at the core we provide development, this means we need developers, and a lot of […]

9 Tech Innovation Examples in the App Industry

Startups are aiming to disrupt traditional businesses by leveraging technology and solving the problems of Users through tech innovation – often walking through a door left open by traditional businesses. A great example is Uber which simply used GPS technology to match supply and demand – a problem and technology that has been there for […]